Le Repaire de Gulix

This blog and website is mainly in french. This index page collects the posts and resources in english. The tags are shared by all the posts, in french and in english, and are mainly french ones, and will redirect you to a global page.
I'm happy to converse in english via the social media (links below) or anywhere you can find me.

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The Internet is going into shit. It's not exactly new, but it seems to be accelerating. And I'm not going to list everything that's wrong. I haven't got the time. This article is both an observation and a reflection on my part. About my use (and possibly yours) of the …
So, today, on my lunchbreak, I created a roleplaying game. From scratch. Okay, it was only a 36-word game, made for the eponym Game Jam. But, it's still a game. And I'm proud about it. It's a solitaire TTRPG. You sit on a bench, and there's a presence besides you …
The Silt Verses is a Carved from Brindlewood roleplaying game. I chose to describe it by comparing it to other games using that system, like Brindlewood Bay, Public Access or The Between. Some of the basics of this range of TTRPGs are not described in this article. Feel free to …
The end of a year is often a time of review, a time for awards. And this year, on this blog, it's time for the Golden Gulix Awards! I've decided to not go on a Top 10 or similar. Just a load of categories. One award and one runner-up each …
Here's a new edition of Reading TTRPG. Some French creation, that's rare enough to be highlighted. And just as rare (if not more so) is a LARP. It's almost Christmas, so treat yourself and others with indie games, and feel free to put a few games under the tree, even …
How about some more feedback from TTRPGs I just read? Short things, game supplements, interesting things, every time. A vision of TTRPG that appeals to me. Chariot of Air-Sprayed Fire, by Wes Franks Wes Franks, who is also behind Carrion Comfort, is an author I discovered in The Gauntlet community …
Last weekend was Les Utopiales in Nantes (and I'll come back to this in a later post). And, for the first time, I took part in the TTRPG scenario contest. I chose to submit a scenario for Brindlewood Bay. A surprising choice in view of the previous winners (Cthulhu or …
A nice event on Rodenbecker Street is ruined by a crazy car driver who nearly ran over some of the attendants. That Red Corvette is known to some of the people here, and some of them are pretty sure nobody was behind the driving wheel. Little Red Corvette is a …
A few months ago, I talked about the Gauntlet and all the podcasts available on Jason Cordova's Youtube channel. I still listen to this. I find great pleasure in following the stories of the Latchkeys of Deep Lake (and I'm curious to get on the second campaign and see how …
It was a long time since I last joined a jam on itch.io, and submitted a new game to it. As I read and enjoyed Badger+Coyote, some ideas for hack came to my mind. When I saw that a jam was launched around the Badger+Coyote SRD, I …