
Il y a maintenant un peu plus d'un an sortait Face au Titan, dans sa version complète et achevée. Un bel et gros ouvrage de 370 pages, disponible en PDF ainsi qu'en couverture rigide en impression à la demande. 370 pages sur lesquelles j'ai sué. 370 pages bien remplies, puisqu'elles …

Cet article est le premier d'une série qui présentera les Titans du jeu de rôle Face au Titan. Et le premier à être présenté sera … Jahadoo ! Jahadoo a été l'un des premiers Titans à me venir à l'esprit. Au début, il n'avait pas de nom. C'était juste " Méduse Magique ". Quelques …

The Kickstarter campaign for Facing the Titan is heading to the final sprint, and there's still some stuff to unlock. Check this update to know more. If you want to know more about Facing the Titan, here's a preview. Let me introduce to you Jahadoo, the Error of the Magi …

Et voilà, la campagne Kickstarter pour Face au Titan est maintenant officiellement démarrée ! That's it ! The Kickstarter campaign for Facing the Titan is officialy on! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gulix/facing-the-titan/community

I proposed a little poll the other day to determine which Titan would be entitled to a preview. The votes are now closed, and here is the result: Vamakaskan, the Beast of Origins: 27% Jahadoo, the Error of the Magi: 23% Ménébraz, the Living Mountain: 23% Satria, the Rusty Knight …

After several tests of the game and feedback from players who tried it, Facing the Titan is starting to get fine-tuned. I had already noted some points for improvement in a previous post, but now I'm going to give a large overview of what has and will change, as well …

Hi fellow english readers ! Thanks for checking out about Facing the Titan. The game is currently being tested in France, and in French, so the following pictures will feature french text (and title). But don't worry : the game will still be available in english. Mid-march, I'm planning to start working …

The first feedbacks about Facing the Titan are starting to appear, and I have started the first revisions. The Draft 1, if it correctly set the foundations of the game and the system, required corrections to better explain how it works, to better present the mechanisms. Also, some points needed …