FiascoADay 2019 (english)

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This year, #RpgADay is changing his style. Forget the questions and move on to a list of words, to be interpreted as we see fit. A little like the Inktober. And that’s good, too!

I have chosen to pay tribute to one of my favourite games, Fiasco. Every day of August (with a little delay after a disconnected vacation), I will offer a list of 6 elements that you can use to replace a category in any playset.

You will find below the first four lists. Then every day, on Twitter, I will publish a new list. I will write a recap here regularly, and I will publish it in a printable format at the end of August.

First, Unique, Engage & Share

Let’s start with a place that will suit any modern playset.

Then it’s a list of objects, perfect for a slightly rural playset (FlyOver for example).

Then we address needs. Needs in perfect harmony with Tales from Suburbia, or any other playset taking place around Poppleton.

And some more needs …

By the way, did you see that?

The new version of Fiasco is on Kickstarter. It’s in card format, and it’s definitely exciting. I discovered this when I came back from vacation, when I had already planned my list of words. I can’t wait to find out more about it!

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