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The styles part of a template is its main part. It defines how the cards are being built.

You can have a single Style in your template, or numerous ones. When using a template with multiple styles, you have to choose which one to apply to all the cards in your set.

Some older templates could have the Styles elements directly at the root of the templates, not using the styles array. It's still valid, but it's better to use the styles array, even with a single style.

The Style object

Look below how is defined a Style object :

"styles" : [
    "canvasBackground": "#CCCCCC",
    "canvasWidth": 700,
    "canvasHeight": 495,
    "key": "style101",
    "name": "My First Style",
    "description": "It's my first style, so just a simple one !",
    "fields": [ ],
    "canvasFields": [ ]
    -- Another style object

General Informations

Those fields are required and described some basic elements of the style :

Editable Fields

The editable fields will appear on the left side of the UI. Those are the files the user will be filling to update the card's data. You can add as many fields as you want in your template. The order in which they are defined in the file will be the one they are displayed. Several types of fields exist, but each have common values :

"fields": [
    { "name": "name", "label": "Name :", "default": "Default name", "isNameField": false }

This describes a simple text input field. The properties shown are common for all the types of fields.

Each type of fields then have different properties that define how it is displayed, what data can be obtained with it, and so on. Here's the list of available editable fields :

Order of the Editable fields

The editable fields are displayed one after the other, the first item of the array being the one first displayed. You can change this by setting an order property on a field, and defining the order of the element (an integer). The editable fields are sorted in ascending order.

Note that the order property is set by default to a value of 1.

The Card / Canvas

The canvas fields are processed through the FabricsJS engine to be then displayed as a card. You can play with this engine in the Kitchensink, and get the associated JSON. Then, copy the objects values into the canvasFields of your template : you'll get your card !

Each editable field of the card generates a variable, that can be used inside the canvas data. Here's the different types of variables (see each type of field to know the variables associated) :

Order of the Canvas elements (Z-Index)

The elements of the canvas are drawn one after the other, the first item of the array being the one first drawn. Sometimes, elements can be mixed together and will not appear in the desired order. If you need some elements to be on the background, other on the foreground (like different layers), you can change this by setting a zindex property on a field, and defining the order of the element (an integer). The elements of the canvas are sorted in ascending order (Z-Index of 1 is displayed underneath Z-Index of 2, and so on).

Note that the zindex property is set by default to a value of 1.

Inheriting styles

Sometimes, a Style is just a slight derivation from another one. For example, you could have an english style, and a french one, with just labels being modified. It would be a shame to repeat large amount of code to describe those two styles. Here comes the Inheritance.

You first need to define a classic style, which we'll call the /Parent/. Then create another style by `copying / pasting` the first one. Finally, for this first steps, modify the general informations :

"styles" : [
    "canvasBackground": "#CCCCCC",
    "canvasWidth": 700,
    "canvasHeight": 495,
    "key": "parentStyle",
    "name": "Parent Style",
    "description": "It's the Parent Style !",
    "fields": [ ],
    "canvasFields": [ ]
    "canvasBackground": "#CCCCCC",
    "canvasWidth": 700,
    "canvasHeight": 495,
    "key": "childStyle",
    "name": "Child Style",
    "description": "It's the Child Style !",
    "fields": [ ],
    "canvasFields": [ ], 
    "basedOn": "parentStyle"

You could see that a basedOn property has been added. That's the key of the inheritance ! Enter the key of the Parent Style in this property, and the inheritance is set. Now, you only need to describe in your template what is changing. If the canvasXXX properties stay the same, well, remove them from the child :

"styles" : [
    "canvasBackground": "#CCCCCC",
    "canvasWidth": 700,
    "canvasHeight": 495,
    "key": "parentStyle",
    "name": "Parent Style",
    "description": "It's the Parent Style !",
    "fields": [ ],
    "canvasFields": [ ]
    "key": "childStyle",
    "name": "Child Style",
    "description": "It's the Child Style !",
    "fields": [ ],
    "canvasFields": [ ], 
    "basedOn": "parentStyle"

Editable fields and Inheritance

If the editable fields of your child style are exactly the same as the parent's ones, then, don't even declare the fields array.

If there is a modification, here's how to procede for each field :

Parent's fields :

"fields": [
    { "name": "field01", "label": "Name :", "default": "Default name", "isNameField": true },
    { "name": "field02", "label": "Class :", "default": "Default class", "isNameField": false }

Child's fields :

"fields": [
    { "name": "field02", "label": "Current Class :" }
    { "name": "field03", "label": "Level :", "default": "Default level" }

Any property of a field can be modified in a child field : sharedOptions, options, default, … Feel free to have a look at existing templates to discover how inheritance works.

Canvas fields and Inheritance

If the canvas fields of your child style are exactly the same as the parent's ones, then, don't even declare the canvasFields array.

If there is a modification, here's how to procede for each canvasField :

Parent's canvasFields :

    "fields": [
    { "type": "textbox", "text": "$name", "left": 91, "top": 11, "width": 351, "textAlign": "center", "fill": "#FFD800", "fontFamily": "Arial", "fontWeight": 700, "fontSize": 38 },
    { "id": "class", "type": "textbox", "text": "$class", "left": 91, "top": 60, "width": 351, "textAlign": "center", "fill": "#FFD800", "fontFamily": "Arial", "fontWeight": 700, "fontSize": 38 }

Child's fields :

"fields": [
    { "id": "class", "text": "$class$ - Lvl.$level$" },
    { "type": "textbox", "text": "Current class", "left": 91, "top": 90, "width": 351, "textAlign": "center", "fill": "#FFD800", "fontFamily": "Arial", "fontSize": 14 }

Any property of a canvasField can be modified in a child canvasField : text, left, top, fontFamily, … Feel free to have a look at existing templates to discover how inheritance works.

Ignoring a Parent field

Following the completion of Issue #102, you can use the property ignored in a field (editable or canvas field) and set it to true in order to ignore it in the generated style (it will not be inserted in the arrays).

This property follows all the rules of inheritance. If a parent style set it to true, a child could still reset it to false.